About me

I am a fourth year Ph.D. Candidate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, in Dr. Fabio Pasqualetti’s lab. I work on control theory, with a focus on optimal data-driven controls and network controls. I hold a M.Sc. in Robotics and Automation Engineering (2018) and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, both from the from the University of Pisa. I was Visiting Scholar at Georgia Tech in 2018 with Dr. Magnus Egerstedt and Prof.ssa Lucia Pallottino.
I interned at Amazon Robotics in 2018 and I took part in two projects sponsored by the European Space Agency.
- [Mar ‘23] Check out our latest publication on the Open Journal of Controls Systems!
- [Dec ‘22] CDC in Cancun was a blast. If you missed them, I shared the videos for both of my papers on YouTube.
- [Oct ‘22] I will be giving a talk on Distributed Data-driven Control at the 40th SoCal Control Workshop at CalTech.
- [July ‘22] Two papers on control design from data are accepted for publication at CDC ‘22. See you in Cancun, Mexico!
- [May ‘22] Our latest L-CSS submission on Geometric + Data-driven Controls has been accepted for publication.
- [Dec ‘21] Our work on distributed optimal data-driven controls appeared in the proceedings of the 60th CDC. Thank you Prof. Giacomo Baggio for the significant contribution to this work.
- [Nov ‘21] It was fun to work with Jaimie Swartz at UC Berkley on conditions for oscillations in the power grid. Read about it on our submission to the 2022 ECC.
- [Oct ‘21] The new L-CSS issue is out, together with our paper on Linear Threshold Networks and their application to the study of epilepsy in the human brain. My thanks to Ahmed Allihboy and Jorge Cortés at UC San Diego.